Transfer of credit card data from the Viato Channel Manager

Last Updated 8 months ago

From now on, credit card data is also transferred from Viato to 3RPMS® during the reservation import. Imported credit card data is displayed in the reservation in the Stripe area and can be charged directly from the reservation view at any time if required.


Note: For the credit card import you need a free Stripe account and the Stripe interface must be enabled for your 3RPMS® account. You can find more information about Stripe here. If you haven't enabled the Stripe interface yet, just send us an informail email to We charge the activation of the interface with 99,- € plus VAT.

To activate the import of the credit card data, the Viato Channel Manager must be authorized once in your Stripe account. Please open the Viato Channel Manager and click on the blue button "Start charging per Stripe" in the menu item "General":


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