ℹ️ NEW: Activate Quickpay QR code on bank transfer invoices

Last Updated 3 days ago

NEW: the Quickpay QR code on bank transfer invoices. With this new option, you can make it even easier for your customers to pay (bank transfer) invoices.

The Quickpay QR code contains all important payment information such as account number, amount and purpose in a compact QR code. Customers only need to scan the code with their banking app and the app automatically fills in all the transfer details. This saves time and reduces the risk of input errors.

To automatically activate the QR code on (bank transfer) invoices, open the “Bank transfer” payment method under Settings > Finance > Payment methods by clicking on the blue pencil on the right.

Then activate the “Add QR code with payment information” field and add your IBAN and BIC, as well as the name of the account holder:


Info for hotels in Switzerland
: If you enter a Swiss IBAN and 3RPMS is set to CHF in the basic settings, an additional option appears as to whether you want to use the EPC QR code for the euro area or the SWISS QR code.

Once set up, the QR code is automatically added to the bottom of all invoices with payment type “Bank transfer”:


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