Sent emails end up in SPAM

Last Updated 5 months ago

Please check whether the access data for your SMTP server (the outgoing email server) of your mail account has been entered correctly under Settings > Email settings > Settings:


If you are using Microsoft 365 we recommend using the Microsoft 365 Integration instead of the SMTP protocoll. You´ll find the button to link your MS 365 Account with 3RPMS® in the Email settings under "Other service providers":


Sending via your own email server is the preferred delivery method. With this method, outgoing emails are sent via your own email server and will not be classified as SPAM.

Alternatively, you can also send e-mails permanently via the 3RPMS® standard SMTP server, but it is necessary to add the 3RPMS® mail server to the DNS entries of your domain (e.g., otherwise sent e-mails will be sent to the Recipient classified as SPAM.

To do this, please update your SPF records of your domain by adding the following:

If you don´t have any SPF Records set at all yet for your domain please create the following record:

v=spf1 a mx -all

The SPF or Sender Policy Framework is intended to prevent the falsification of sender addresses in emails (spoofing). Specifically, the sending of e-mails via unauthorized mail servers should be prevented.

The receiving mail server can use the domain's SPF record to check whether the email received comes from an authorized mail server or from an unauthorized server. In the latter case, the e-mail can be identified via the SPF spam protection and declared as spam.

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