Changes with the introduction of the German Cash Register Security Ordinance

Last Updated 4 months ago

With the introdutcion of the last stage of the Cash Register Security Ordinance in Germany on September 30,2020, the connection to a technical security device (TSE) is mandatory. Only businesses based in Germany are affected by the TSE obligation.

If you have not ordered a TSE yet you can place the order here: to the TSE order.

The technical security device records transactions that must be recorded, signs them, and returns the generated signature to the recording system. This prevents subsequent manipulation of the records.

For this purpose, we have developed an integrated cash module. The POS module differentiates between POS-relevant on-site payments (so-called POS - Point of Sale payments) and other payments, e.g. online payments and bank transfers.

The introduction of the Cash Register Security Ordinance results in the following changes in 3RPMS®:

1. Introduction of a cash balance
The TSE obligation also introduces the so-called digital interface for tax audits. The export for this was specified in the DSFIN-K and prescribes a mandatory cash cut for recording systems. The cash cut should be performed at least daily, but also more often if required, e.g. at the end of the shift.


More information on: How do I do a till close?

2. Additional payment receipts
In general, payments in 3RPMS® are only possible after prior invoicing, i.e. as payment for an invoice, in these cases the signature is printed directly on the invoice.

Deposits are an exception. Even if deposits are mostly made by credit card debit, bank transfers or other online payment methods, there is theoretically the possibility that a deposit is paid on site. Since in this case the so-called receipt obligation (also called receipt obligation) also applies, there is now the possibility to print a payment receipt for the deposit:


3. TSE signature on documents
From the moment the TSE goes live, invoice containing POS payments will have the TSE signature printed at the bottom:


: Currently the signature (the left side) is mandatory, the QR Code itself is optional. You can disable the QR Code under Settings > Templates > Invoice layout:


4. Reporting of the recording systems used and the TSE to your local tax office
The Cash Register Security Ordinance stipulates that all recording systems used and the TSE must be reported to your responsible tax office promptly after they are put into operation. Decomissioning must also be reported.

Once the TSE has been commissioned for your company, you will find the TSE ID's under Settings > Basic Settings, at the bottom of the page (lower area):


Currently there is no procedure reported by the Federal Ministry of Finance BMF, the reporting requirement has therefore been postponed. We will inform you due time as soon as a date for the reporting obligation is published.

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