Guest data import from external systems

Last Updated 4 months ago

To import guest master data from other systems, please send us the data in .xls or .csv format. The charset UTF-8 is mandatory. The following data can be imported:

First name
Phone number
Fax number
Mobile phone number
Date of birth

3RPMS® distinguishes between persons and companies. If there is an entry in the "Company" column, first and last name must be empty and vice versa.

"Country" must necessarily in the English form - z. As "Germany", "Switzerland", "Spain" be specified. If no country is specified, the country in which your house is located is automatically added.

The order of the columns is arbitrary. Please note that email addresses are checked for correct spelling during import, addresses that can not be verified will result in the termination of the import. Please check before sending your list to us if the addresses are written correctly.

For privacy reasons, please send us the data exclusively via our ticket system, as the data is encrypted.

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