What's SALTO KS - keys as a service?
SALTO KS keys as a service is the latest product family from SALTO Systems, one of the world's largest providers of electronic access solutions.
In contrast to other systems, SALTO KS Hotel Locks are permanently online. The access authorizations are no longer stored on a key medium such as B. a map, but stored in the cloud. Every time the door is opened, the access authorization of the key medium used - RFID tag, PIN code or mobile key - is queried in real time. Remote opening is also possible, e.g. B. a guest should have forgotten his day in the room.
With the integration of SALTO KS in 3RPMS®, the check-in can be designed and automated completely contactless. The central key medium is an individually automatically generated and personalized PIN code for each guest, which is valid for the entire booked period.
24 hours before arrival (a shorter lead time can optionally be selected), 3RPMS® generates an individual PIN code for each room and automatically sends it to your guest by email together with the room number and all other important travel information.
The PIN code only becomes active on the day of arrival at a specified time and applies exactly for the duration of the booked period, depending on the configuration, if required, for the entrance door and any other existing passage doors.
The PIN automatically loses its validity when the checkout is carried out or at the specified checkout time.
Tags can also be assigned quickly and easily and used in parallel with the PIN codes.