Overview "cancelled revenue"

Last Updated 6 months ago

We as your partner are aware of how much the current crisis affects you.

Our team has been working hard over the last few days to develop a feature that shows you the lost sales based on cancelled reservations.
Under certain circumstances, the overview can help you with your argumentation when applying for emergency aid.

You will find the presentation under Statistics > Canceled revenue.


Left side (after the cancellation date):
On the left side you can see the lost sales due to cancellations in relation to the time of cancellation, i.e. the time when a cancellation was made.

Right side (according to booked period):
On the right side you see the cancellations related to the booked period.

please note the following points when interpreting the overview:
For the majority of companies, the damage will be significantly higher, because due to the current restrictions, exit and travel restrictions mean that bookings are not made at all.
However, the total of cancelled bookings also includes cancelled bookings that might have been cancelled even without the current crisis.

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